Diligent, Compassionate And Comprehensive Trial Lawyer

Understanding the Arbitration Process

| Feb 29, 2012 | Uncategorized

If you have an experienced and aggressive Rhode Island personal injury attorney, your case may have ended up in litigation. There are two major reasons reasons why a personal injury case goes to litigation: 1) the offer of settlement is not high enough; or, 2) the insurance company is not accepting 100% liability. If you enter litigation there is a very strong chance that your attorney may attempt arbitration before the case goes all the way to trial.

Arbitration is compulsive under the Rhode Island Rules of Civil Procedure, however, the decision is not binding. What this means essentially is that either side (plaintiff or defendant) can force the two parties to at least try arbitration, but neither side is compelled to accept the award if they are dissatisfied. You can have your case removed from the arbitration process if the amount in contention is in excess of $100,000.00.

Arbitration can be a highly effective tool for resolving difficult cases without the huge amount of money and time that a full civil trial that would require. At an arbitration, both sides will agree on a neutral party to serve as “judge”. Each side submits an arbitration memorandum complete with their argument, exhibits, affidavits and any other evidence that they would like to present or have considered by the arbiter. Then there will be an actual hearing during which time each side will state their case while presenting evidence and witnesses. It is a very informal “trial” in that sense. Arbitrations can be either simple with one or two witnesses or they can be incredibly complex with several witnesses, including experts and dozens of exhibits.

Within 2 weeks the arbiter will make his decision in writing. The decision will include a dollar amount along with some thoughts and notes on the topic to explain why the arbiter came to the decision that he did. Arbitration is a relatively quick and painless process that might result in a speedy aid to ongoing litigation. If your case is going to arbitration or may be eligible for arbitration speak to your personal injury attorney to discuss the process.

It is in your best interest to hire a personal injury attorney with trial experience including experience in arbitrations and mediations. My office has that experience. Contact my office right away for a free consultation. There is no fee unless we are successful in obtaining money for you.

